Homeopathy for Children

Pediatric Problem

Children: Sweet wonder for little wonders

Homeopathy is well placed to offer safe, gentle and effective solutions for your child’s health – physically, mentally and emotionally. Childhood is the ideal time to introduce your child to homeopathy as the immune system is developing. Not only can it help when your child is ill, it can also help boost their immune system making them less susceptible to illness and infection.

Homeopathy helps in building body resistance in children who have recurring infections due to lowered resistance power. Homeopathic treatment, being based on the ‘Holistic Healing Approach,’ treats the disease at the root level, hence enhancing the resistance power of the child. As a result, the child will not fall sick frequently.

Homeopathy is also considered child friendly as the Homeopathic pills are sweet in taste and easily palatable by children. They are so easy to take that they can be easily given even to a couple of days old baby without forcefully inducing them, thus saving them from lot of crying and trouble.

Tonsilitis: Tonsillitis is a common childhood disease which affects the tonsils the gland at the back of the throat. Tonsils are a part of the immune system that helps to fight germs in the mouth. It is common to have the tonsils affected by bacteria and viruses in children and the most common symptoms are runny nose, cough and fever. Additionally in severe cases symptoms would be sore throat, difficulty swallowing, pain in ears, bad breadth and tender lymph nodes.

Recurrent Cold and Cough: Colds and coughs are usually caused by an infection like a bacteria or viral infection that affects the nose, throat and sinuses. The most symptoms are fever, headache, sore throat, mild earache due to accumulation of mucus and cough wit runny nose.

Low Immunity: Immune system is the barrier which protects us from foreign infectious agents. The proper functioning of the immune system is a complex balancing act which nature has to carry out but with a little help. Since slight infection can lead to a serious disease condition. Symptoms of low immunity in children are, frequent cold, cough, sore throat and tiredness.

Enlarged Adenoids: Adenoid is a large lump of tissue at the back of the throat and at the roof of the mouth. This is part of the immune system that helps to fight bacteria and viruses, adenoids start to grow from birth and after the age of 7 it begins to shrink and eventually disappear. However, if there is an infection at the adenoids it may tend to swell and cause discomfort. The symptoms for swollen adenoids are breathing and sleeping problems, ear infections and persistent sinusitis.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): ADHD is a mental disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that affects the children in their function and development. The symptoms could be easily distracted, very fidgety, talk excessively and has trouble playing quietly.

Low Appetite: Loss of appetite in children is a common illness in children, where there is a transient loss in appetite which would result in a prolonged loss in appetite. Hence it would ultimately result in poor weigh gain and excessive weight loss.

Obesity in Children: Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder among children and young adolescents; this is a very troubling condition as children tend to become vulnerable for other disease conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Autism: Autism is a development disorder that affects social interaction and behavior, the symptoms of autism-like avoiding eye contact, delay in speech skills, not responding to their name and frequently repeating phrases can be observed in their early childhood.

Homeopathy helps in building body resistance in children who have recurring infections due to lowered resistance power. Homeopathic treatment, being based on the ‘Holistic Healing Approach,’ treats the disease at the root level, hence enhancing the resistance power of the child. As a result, the child will not fall sick frequently.

Homeopathy is also considered child friendly as the Homeopathic pills are sweet in taste and easily palatable by children. They are so easy to take that they can be easily given even to a couple of days old baby without forcefully inducing them, thus saving them from lot of crying and trouble. We provide the  homeopathy treatment for low immunity in kids dubai, best homeopathy treatment for tonsillitis in dubai. 

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Homeopathy doesn’t directly “cure” the immune system; rather, it aims to support and balance it. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on the principle of “like cures like,” and they stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms. Homeopathy may help in addressing various health issues, including those related to the immune system, by promoting overall wellness and restoring balance.

Homeopathy can be a safe and effective treatment option for children. It is often preferred for kids because it uses highly diluted remedies, making it gentle and generally free from side effects. Homeopathic treatment can be used for a wide range of conditions in children, including common ailments, chronic conditions, and behavioral issues.

Homeopathy can be effective in the treatment of tonsillitis. Homeopathic remedies are selected based on the individual’s specific symptoms and constitution. They aim to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the body’s immune response. While homeopathy can be a useful complementary treatment for tonsillitis, it’s important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for a personalized treatment plan and to consider conventional medical treatment if the condition is severe or recurrent.